Gisela Bianca - OELs or HILs ?
Susi Wansaga - The Impacts of Golden Age to The World Economy
Irena Natasya - The Birthplace of Industrial Revolution
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Hello Guys! We are students from 02PC3 , International Relations Faculty in Bina Nusantara University. If you want to know us more just c...
Globalization helps us a lot. I write this blog is an example of I am one of everyone in the world who can’t avoid globalization. I can get...
What is mercantilism? Mercantilism is an economic system where government take controls of foreign trade. It was close to realism syst...
We live in a modern world today, when the technology is developed well and make our life easier. We can make everything in a short...
Adam Smith said that, because of the absolute advantage, a country trade with the other to fulfill their necessity with a cheaper cost. Sup...
Do you now the definition of globalization? Briefly, globalization is worldwide integration and development or globalization can be int...
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of capitalism is a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make...
Capitalism created to help companies promote the company. In addition, this system also provides the opportunity for the public to take p...
The International Political Economic is influenced by those groups of people. Orthodox Economic Liberals (OELs) group emphasize that market...
Globalization nowadays is inevitable. It brings advantage and disadvantage, especially for Indonesia’s economy. One of the advantages ...
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